Thursday, January 7, 2010


As the new year and the new decade commences, we have countless expectations here in Somaliland. To mentions only few, international recognition, better life, economic development, and most importantly, we are impatient to get free and fair elections done.

In this article I will be highlighting the major actions we need to take, emphasizing the threats and opportunities we are facing in a long-ignored corner of the continent-Arica. I will be focusing on three major areas: Political, Economical and social sides.


To begin with we have been through an extremely challenging year, 2009, where the political unrest was a common phenomenon, the worst in 15 years. Thanks to God, we have settled now. In 2010, we are expecting four major elections: the presidential, the local governments and two parliamentary elections (both Elders and Representatives). Thus this will be a tough year and we need to work harder to achieve them all. In one hand, it seems to be impossible to accomplish because we couldn’t held only one election in two years. But on the other hand, it is very much likely that we can attain- considering the recent agreement between the political parities and the dedication of the newly elected Electoral Commission. And all we can say is to be optimistic and hope for the best because “The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy”. Let me also argue the stakeholders to speed up their efforts to take us out of the doubt.

Similarly, we are waiting the world to look as more closely then before, we have been disregarded for two decades and I believe we have to be taken more seriously at this very year. The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is “the right of self determination”, which states that “All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”. So we did! Why don’t they accept?!

To reaching our goals, we need to strengthen our system of governance, security and foreign policy, and that is what we need to place on the top of our agenda in the new year. Knowing that many countries will come as they admire our unilateral determination and dedication, there is no reason to retreat but move forward.

Lastly, we live in a hostile Horn, where new ways of extremism threaten our existence, meaning we have to be more careful than ever before and make use of the past experiences. Let us all remember that, as Mandella once said, “There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere”.

Long life Somaliland,
Thanks for reading………. The other parts are coming soon.

Jama Ismail Noor,
Senior Student
International Horn University,
Hargeisa- Somaliland


  1. Mr.Jama

    You've havent said better!!

    I would insist on the issue of Somaliland Foreign policy where for years not reflected Somaliland interest, where hasn't served the relations that bonds us with the world and hasn't worked so far for the strategies that we have to outline to interect with other countries politically,economically and militalry, I know if our people afford to speak in every corner of the world to spread the message of Somaliland then it's not a possible thing for the political figures or the government to set for a strategic plan how to develop the international relations policy that Somaliland needs desperately.


  2. Hola Jama,

    optimism????....yep we need to be optimistic about everything but we, as Jimmy Dean rightly points out " i can't change da direction of da wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination", need to be pro-active and make every possible thing to make sure dat da same mistakes ar not repeated......

    however it is well versed article. it seems u ve been following the contemporary soco-political scenario in da country bit by bit.. it really shows u ve gd grasp of polical life of our nations and dat is gd...keep it sxb and I really liked it. I hope the Almighty will help us with knowledge and strength to aviod from doing da same mistake we ve made yesterday and lets Pray to Alah to make our leaders realise da importance of being accountable to da responsibility dey hold for da nation.....u ve clearly spoked of da views of al da young generation in da country and we hope da Hippos would take dis views of urs into consideration dis time?????
    thanx for sharing and we luk forward to see more from you Jama!
